Monday, February 27, 2006

Mr. Matter of Fact

I know I write about Jackson a lot. I really wish I had some other interesting things going on, but I don't. Anyway, if you're sick of reading about Jack, then just skip this one.

I picked Jackson up from preschool on Thursday and I began to ask him the typical questions about his day. Like "What did you make?" "What did you do in music?" "Who did you play with?" Just stuff like that. When I got to the last question, Jackson said, "Mom, I play with Sloane everyday. Only Sloane. Please try to remember that from now on."

After I got home from work today, I started making my lunch and then sat down to eat. I sat at the table and said, "I sure am lonely. I sure wish somebody would come keep me company while I eat my lunch." And Jackson said, "Well, I'm sorry Mom. I would like to sit with you, but I just can't right now. I've got work to do."

Keep in mind, this child is three. He will be four in May. He is so funny and half the time, he's not even trying to be. And that makes it even funnier.


Jim Looby said...

Are you sure this child isn't related to Maury? He, too, has the funny/wierd gene.

Jenny Hintze said...

Uh.....pretty sure. I don't think I like what you're implying.

Jim Looby said...

I'm only implying some sort of relation based on behavior. No implication of parentage is meant.

Maury said...

Osmosis is what he meant.

Jim Looby said...

That's the only way I'd ever want to think of Maury breeding. =/