Friday, February 24, 2006


I'll be going to our church's ladies' retreat this evening and will be back tomorrow. The term "ladies' retreat" sounds so goofy to me. It's almost embarrassing to say. I don't know what I expect them to call it but I don't feel like a lady most of the time. That's for sure.

Maybe I'll get to relax a little, but probably not. But atleast I'll get away from Jackson trying to boss me around for a little while. And I'll get away from Phillip giving me weird looks. I wonder what Phillip will feed Jackson while I'm gone.


Jim Looby said...

Every time someone says "retreat" at our church, I feel the Spirit move me to blurt out, "Run away, Run away!" in my best Monty Python British accent.

Maury said...

How about "A Bunch Of Females Gabbing And jack-Jawing All Night Thing"?

Jenny Hintze said...

that is probably more appropriate

Jim Looby said...

"Retreat" then actually becomes advice to any males nearby...