Thursday, February 02, 2006

Created for

What was I created for? Why was I put here? Am I doing what I'm really supposed to be doing with my life? I guess these are questions that everyone asks. I've been asking them a lot lately. I like my job. I'm blessed to have it. But I feel very unfulfilled lately. Am I just searching for something that can't exist here on earth? Am I longing for heaven? I feel like I'm missing something. I guess everyone feels like this. But what if I go through my whole life and don't do the most important thing or things that I was put here to do? Sometimes I just feel like I was created for more.


Chuchey Dradey said...

What do you want to do? The desires of our heart are there for a reason and tell us something about ourselves. Sometimes God speaks to us through our own desires, the expression of how he made us and also how we were brought up, etc. While some people avoid their desires as if our desires go against God, just because they are our desires, we ought to embrace them (unless they are obviously sinful, of course) and see what it teaches us about us, our upbringing, and our relationship with God. If you explore all that and it is still okay, Go for it! If not a profession, you desires can manifest themselves in a hobby or some sort of volunteer situation, or even a small business.
Another thing to consider is how you can transform what you are doing now into something that fills your heart (grow where you are planted). For instance, as I was once on the road to being a pastor, I find opportunities with my co-workers and students to share pastoral care moments with them... anything from crises to comforting them in their academic difficulties to sharing a good laugh. Even though I am not "perfectly" where I want to be (don't know where that is for sure yet, myself), I can still do what I love to do anyway.... I hope this inspires you to find someway to do what you love to do or find what you believe you want to do, or whatever....(Wow, a serious not from snoopdon)

Chuchey Dradey said...

that is note, not not.... This is why I use the delete button.... most of the time.

Chuchey Dradey said...

One more point to my sermon....
When you find what brings the joy of your heart. Remember to analyze your fears and overcome them with all the strength God gave you.

I am working through this kind of stuff myself. I am determined to be a rock star someday. : )

Maury said...

If you don't know what those important things are, then how will you know you haven't done them? If you don't know what you're missing, how will you know you missed it?

Jenny Hintze said...

Thanks for complicating things further.

Maury said...

Not trying to complicate, rather, I'm trying to find perspective.

Restlessness is a common human feeling/perception. Often times, God uses this "restlessness" to reveal various and sundry to us — which I'm quite certain you already know.

The issue, then, becomes the interpretation of those feelings.

Sometimes, we are allowed a certain "restlessness" to compel us into an action of some sort. Other times, I believe we are given "a restlessness" in order for us to realize a contentment. This is not a Bad Thing.

Some may argue that God never wants His children to feel as though they aren't "living life to its fullest," and therefore, any inking of restlessness or dissatisfaction should be taken as a sign that one needs to move on to some other locale in their spiritual life. Sometimes this is true — but I feel that when such times occur, God usually gives His child a certain direction.

The flip-side of that is the contentment argument — and it's one that isn't very popular in some circles. Basically, God will sometimes shake us up a bit, give us some ants in our pants, unnerve us a bit, all so that we will eventually see that He has us where He wants us. He wants us to realize we are where we are because he has allowed us to be there, and if we do our darndest to walk by Him, He will bless us in that place.

That blessing is the realization that we are in His hands and His hand has placed us in a situation/life/whatever that NO ONE else can fulfill.

Maybe Jenny's "place" is to be the wife and mother of a great husband and kid, the helper of Brazos Pointe Fellowship, the helper of the Praise Team, the much-loved daughter-in-law, the much-loved friend, etc. No one else can fill your role in the lives of those you touch, and you know this. You are chosen, you are taken care of. That is a blessing in and of itself, and one in which some can find contentment.

As you know, you're not just a wife, just a mother, just a helper of the church — you are a wife, you are a mother, you are that friend and loved one.

Take that blessing for what it's worth and make the most of it. Excel at what you are now, find peace and contentment in your blessings, and you'll hear the creak when God begins to open the next door.

Maury said...

Since that post was so long and serious, I feel compelled to post the words




// =)

Jenny Hintze said...


I think.

Chuchey Dradey said...

You know, I thought about adding the "wife, mother, etc. comment." But talked myself out of it for no good reason. I agree with that paragraph especially... not that I disagree with Maury's other paragraphs... I just skimmed them for time sake because if I don't go help make dinner, I will be killed. Later. But, don't be afraid to find what you love....