Saturday, April 29, 2006


Can't sleep. Sick of trying.

My almost four year old son and this throat crud are keeping me awake. Also, I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about things that are troubling me.

If you are considered "unchurched" or "seeker" what would it take for you to no longer be considered that? And do you like those terms for yourself? Do you dislike being categorized? Do you hate it when "church people" put labels on you?

If you are someone who does not consider yourself a Christian, or if you are someone who has zero interest in "attending" a church at all, why is that? I don't even know if any "unchurched" people read this blog and that also is troubling to me.

What would your ideal church look like? What could that church be to enrich your life? What would it take for you to commit to Christ and to a body of believers? Do you know? I don't even know if I'm asking the right questions.

I don't really care to hear my "churched" friends' answers on this. I know many of the "right" answers myself. But I would really like to hear from those of you who fall into the category of "unchurched." I'll allow anonymous posts for a few days just incase that's an issue. I am asking for real honesty. I will not allow anyone to make light of or poke fun at any of the responses that are given. Any jerk comments will be deleted.

There may not even be any comments and that's cool too. Whatever. I'm just throwing this out there. I am genuinely curious. I'm more than curious. I need to know.

Our son is sleeping with us tonight. He woke me up struggling to find the right corner of his blanket. While asleep he lay there pulling his fingers around the edges of his blanket trying to find jus the right spot so he could relax. There's a certain spot that is worn just right. It took him several minutes. He struggled quietly for literally several minutes trying to find it. I could have found it for him. I know where it is. But I wanted to marvel at the struggle. He finally found it. I knew that he would. He rubbed that corner on his face and his arm and found immediate rest and peace. He didn't even consciously know what he was looking for or that he was looking for anything at all.


Chuchey Dradey said...

Though I don't know how to explain it, I will try.... Much evangelism and outreach objectifies the "others" as they are sometimes made to feel. The key to reaching people for Christ is to not try to reach people for Christ. Though it sounds oxymoronic, most people are reached through relationships and those relationships must be just for the sake of a relationship and not to drag them into your church door for credit on Sunday morning. Right now, as I am wrestling with faith and other issues, I am thinking about evangelism as well. The pastor I am dialogueing with about issues divine, is encouraging his people to simply build relationships with others outside of the church. Imagining myself doing that, having grown up with a tract and a script, is a stretch to invite someone over to build a relationship without trying to give them the "song and dance"... or bait and switch if you want to be real about it. If we pursue them, our friends and neighbors outside of the church, then why burden ourself with what should happen naturally. It is a delicate balance that I am just beginning to think about. Life is uncomfortable when we can't grab on to a prop... tract, script, motive, etc. Just hang out with people and if it is God's will talking should happen naturally for the 70% of people who are unresponsive to any sort of religious programming..... If the person never responds, then maybe you still made a good friend who shares your love of music, kids, etc. But, another thing to think about is how we are perceived.... "Oh, you think you can make my life better with this Jesus stuff." Arrogant and maybe even Ignorant. Their life may be fine to them and you want to come in and change it. I could go on and on with my disjointed thoughts, but you get the drift. Later. As for myself, I am at the fringes still. I hang out at the bars or friends place without even considering evangelism (but I have great friends) and then I hang out at the church, not certain of much in faith, because it is hard to find middle ground for myself. I lost my props..... that is another story, which I probably posted already anyway. Later for real.

praynlady said...

To me "unchurched" has three meanings. I am by no means a theologian, and I do not profess to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do love the Lord and I love to be in and go to church! I love the people I meet there and I thrive on the lessons my friends that I have met there have taught and are constantly teaching me. I met you there and have really looked forward to getting to know you better each time we meet, but I feel so different, as if I have to live up to the standards set by my "immediate family" and I am not like them in the least. I do not consider myself "unchurch" but I do consider myself "unknowledgable". Anyway, here are what I think of when I think of the term "unchurched".

1. a person or persons who have not been told about the opportunity to know Christ by being invited to church or by knowing "Godly" people.

2. a person or persons who choose to spend time elsewhere, christian or not, that do not feel they are in need of the relationships that are built through the church family.

3. a person or persons who though they call themselves christian, do not put themselves out there for Christ, but go to church diligently, obediently, and so on but are not really trying to live and build the relationships that would fill the voids in their own lives.