Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Baby update

So far, this little guy is doing just great. He eats a lot. It seems like we're always feeding or changing him. But we are having a blast! He is a very good baby. He went for his first doctor's appointment today and he has gained four ounces since he was born a week ago. It doesn't take long to fall in love with a new baby. For our own sake, we should probably hold back. But, it's pretty impossible and he deserves every bit of love he can get. And he'll get it here. We may hurt a little more in the future, but it's worth it. Also, if he does become our son, I don't want to have any regrets about this time in his life. I don't want to feel like I didn't give him all the kisses and love he deserved just to protect myself from pain.

Several people have asked me if I'm tired. Actually, I'm not all that tired. So far, I've been getting around 6-7 hours a night broken into a couple of sessions. More than anything, I'm starving! I keep forgetting to take the time to eat until I'm almost in pain. The last couple of mornings I didn't eat anything until around 11:00. So, I need to get up earlier or something. It's like with laundry and playing with Jackson and taking care of the baby, there's just not time in the day for me to grab a bite. Anyway, things are going great. Maybe I'll even loose a few pounds. That would be nice.

1 comment:

Mad Housewife said...

I'm so happy for you! And I commend you on being able to get enough sleep! WOW! You are Supermom!