Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ups and Downs

We thought we were getting a baby girl today. Then a couple of hours later we found out that we weren't after all. Somehow the powers that be didn't realize that the baby we were going to get has a brother. And they want to place the kids together. The boy is 6 months old and the girl is under two years old. I thought it was a "done deal." I even told Jackson that today was the day. So, needless to say, we're very disappointed. When she told me about the brother, I asked if we could take them both. She said she wasn't sure but would check into it. I'm not counting on it of course. I'm beginning to think we've made a big mistake trying to adopt domestically. I'm trying not to wallow in my own little pity party, but I'm really getting sick of being jerked around. I think at this point if we could turn back time, we would not have looked into adoption at all. We would have just accepted that maybe we're not meant to have anymore kids. Anyway, maybe tomorrow will bring better news.


Anonymous said...

Dang, that sucks. Maybe you'll all find out how true the adage "good things come to those who wait" really is, though. Of course, you've probably heard that a million times by now by Lord knows how many people, so you probably want to slap me for saying it one more time.

But hey — it could be true.

Mad Housewife said...

You'd think that with all these children in our country who need adopting that they'd be more than happy to place one in your home. I see it all the time on the news--children as close as Houston--who need good homes. You obviously have a nice home full of love for a baby. So why are they taking their time and jerking you around?

I don't know how adoption works, so maybe I'm talking where I shouldn't. I do know for a fact, though, that there are more children who need adopting than there are couples willing to adopt. I get this info from watching the news and Oprah.

I don't know what to tell you except that I will keep you in my prayers. I do think about you often and how much you want to give a child a good loving family. Patience is supposed to be a virtue, but it sure does get on your nerves sometimes, doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for you guys. I know it can be a roller coaster.

praynlady said...

Hey Jen, hang in there, God is just determined to send you the RIGHT baby for you and Phillip and Jackson. God's plans do not always happen as we wish or in the time frame we would like but I DO believe that He will take it to heart when the time is right and you will all be soooooo blessed. I am actually jealous of you for getting this far! Keep on keepin on and know that you are loved!