Sunday, August 05, 2007

Lookin' good

I had to come home from church because I remembered in the middle of the service that I forgot to send a bottle in the diaper bag. So, it's heating and I thought I would take a quick minute to blog.

As I was coming into the church building this morning with both boys, the diaper bag, and some soggy toast feeling rushed and sweaty, a really creepy weird guy at our church told me I was "looking good." What a way to start the day! Maybe I should have been flattered but mostly I felt disgusted. Anyway, just thought that was something worth sharing. Ok, gotta go.


Maury said...

Was it the "parking guy"?

Jenny Hintze said...

That would be the one.

Unknown said...

Ok, I have never felt the need to comment on your blog before but I am compelled to clarify that by the "parking guy" you don't mean my husband, it's the other parking guy, right? Also, I was not part of the forking escapade this time. We would have done a much better job. It would have taken you a lot longer to pick all of them up and to unwrap your car and truck if our band of forkers had been the culprits.

Jenny Hintze said...

That's so funny! I didn't even think about the other poor parking guy(s) when I confirmed that. No, I do not mean your husband. He may be a little weird, but not creepy.

And I still think Erin was involved in the forking thing. I think she's just too ashamed to admit it. Her right dimple showed up when she said she didn't do it and she averted her eyes. Suspicious. Very suspicious indeed.