Monday, August 27, 2007

Some Things About Kindergarten

Jackson started Kindergarten today. (Should "Kindergarten" be capitalized or not??? Im sure Phillip or Maury will tell me later.) There were no parting tears. He did really well. And I didn't get choked up until I was out of the building.

When we went for "meet the teacher" we were given their daily schedule. It looks completely overwhelming. They pack a lot into their day. It seems like when I was in Kindergarten we just played with play dough, ate glue, read books, and played with toys...oh yeah, and picked our noses.

Which leads me to the three rules I gave Jackson this morning before school:
  1. Keep your fingers out of your nose.
  2. Be a good friend.
  3. Listen to your teacher.
I think we could all do well to remember those three things. What a better world it would be if we could all abide by those three rules. Ok, so here are a few pictures from before school. As you can tell, he was being a ham as usual.

And here are a few from after school.

Leslie, do you recognize that kid sitting next to Jackson??

So, after we got home I pulled out the junk in his back pack and found this...

I asked Jackson what the red scribbles were all over the picture. (I was afraid I knew the answer before he told me.) And he told me that a bomb went off. That spider-looking thing below the car is a bomb and if you look closely you can see two or three other bombs in the page. I guess all of the red everywhere are flames. Lovely. I'm sure that made a great first impression on his teacher. "I'm sorry, your child needs therapy. He has some very disturbing and violent tendencies."

Alright, so that's it. My baby started Kindergarten.

1 comment:

Mad Housewife said...

I recognize that little boy sitting next to Jackson...That's Jimmy! He said he sat with Jackson at lunch and that Jackson played with his food and it was funny. Ha! Ha! Your son must have made quite an impression on mine because Jimmy can't stop talking about his new friend Jackson. He keeps saying he's a cool kid and that he likes him.

I got a similar set of stapled coloring pages with scribbles of all kinds covering the pictures. Then I did see that Jimmy did write his name, and spelled it correctly, at the bottom.

Jimmy left his lunch bag at school, so he wants to try cafeteria food tomorrow. I told him he could as long as he remembered to bring his lunch bag back home tomorrow.

I'm so glad Jackson had a great first day of school. It seems to have really made Jimmy happy to learn and play with other kids his own age, and I hope Jackson makes tons of friends and loves school as well.

By the way, did you get taught how to correctly do jumping-jacks after school? I did! Jimmy had to show me what he learned during what he calls "exercise time". He also told me that we don't throw balls inside, that we roll them on the floor to each other so no one gets hurt. I've been trying to teach him the ball-thing a long time, and he finally gets it on the first day of kindergarten? Sheesh!