Sunday, September 09, 2007

Adoption Day Stuff

As most of you know, we're shooting for November 17th to adopt Mikey. That is National Adoption Day. I'll be meeting with our attorney soon to start on filing the appropriate paperwork.

I spoke with a Brazoria County judge and Chair"woman" of Brazoria County National Adoption Day. She goes to our convenient is that?? Anyway, I had a chance to speak with her for a few minutes today at church. She told me there is no limit to the number of people we can have there with us. She said the most they've had is about 30 people for one family...I totally think we can top that! She said they do anywhere from 15-30 (ish) adoptions on that day every year. And she said that it moves pretty quickly and there's a reception going on the whole time so once you're done, you can go hang out at the party.

So, if you're interested in adopting Mikey with us, mark your calendars for November 17. You don't have to get a shirt. That's optional. I'll have more details as the date gets closer. I don't anticipate any hold ups that would keep us from adopting him on that day. But until I have a chance to speak with our attorney, I don't want to make too many plans....or get too many shirts.

1 comment:

Mad Housewife said...

I am so happy for you! And little Mikey! He's getting a wonderful mom!