Thursday, September 06, 2007

Cleaning Jackson's Room

I'm kind of in the middle of sorting through Jackson's junk in his room and trying to get it organized. For the most part, we make him clean his own room. But every now and then I grab a garbage bag and go in there when he's not home and get rid of stuff. Stuff like junky toys from various fast food restaurants that he never plays with and just broken stuff. Anyway, here are just a few non-toy items I found in his toys box in addition to his 6 guns, 5 swords, 11 Zoo Pal paper plates...
- 2 rocks
- 3 pencils
- an empty yogurt container (clean, I hope)
- an Oriental trading magazine
- a toothbrush
- 2 cds

If he were home he would have a reasonable good excuse for keeping everything I'm getting rid of. That's why I do it when he's not here. I just need to make sure I empty the kitchen trash before he gets home or he'll try to start retrieving stuff.


Mad Housewife said...

I do the exact same thing every other month or so. But I make the kids help me and show them why I'm tossing their suddenly beloved again toys into the trash. If it's broken or missing pieces or just plain worn out, it goes bye-bye. Sometimes, whenever something breaks, they have the decency to toss it themselves.

Unknown said...

I clean a few yogurt containers sometimes, because Jackson likes to play with them when he is here. So it could have come from Granny's. And you threw it away? Shame on you!