Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mikey Goes to the Shrink

I had to take Mikey to a psychologist today. Is a psychologist considered a shrink or just a psychiatrist? Anyway, he needed a developmental assessment before he's adopted. I think the whole thing is so silly. I understand why it's necessary, but it's still a waste of time.

Phillip and I had to go last week to meet with her and tell her all about Mikey and his personality, what he likes, what he doesn't, what makes him mad, how he acts when he's angry, how he does socially, etc. We said that he doesn't like carrots. I think she was looking for something deeper. We sat on "the couch."

So, anyway, she thinks Mikey is right on track but she thinks he may have some language delays. Language delays??!! He's 8 months old for crying out loud. What language is he supposed to have? He babbles just fine. She said that he should be saying a few words like momma, dadda, bye-bye, and stuff like that. That's ridiculous. She apparently doesn't know anything about babies. He says momma and dadda, but I think it's just meaningless babble at this point. Jackson didn't start saying actual words until he was about 10 or 11 months old and he was talking very early and developed a large vocabulary very quickly. By the way, all this stuff reminds me that Jackson asked last night if Mikey speaks Spanish. Silly kid.

Anyway, we can check this off the list of things we have to do to adopt this kiddo. I am meeting with the attorney on Friday afternoon so that should be fun. Meeting with shrinks and attorneys is new ground for me. Hopefully, once this adoption thing is over I won't be seeing anymore shrinks or attorneys for a very long time.


Phillip Hintze said...

Last week it seemed like she was cross-referencing the stuff that we told her with some kind of chart. I guess that's the chart that told her that Mikey has language delays.

Unknown said...

I read a little online about differences between psychologists and psychiatrists, and it seems to mostly have to do with the amount of education. A psychiatrist can write prescriptions to treat different mental and emotional disorders. A psychologist does analytic testing. Anyway, it left me confused and needing a "shrink", which I'm pretty sure is a psychiatrist, not a psychologist.

As far as Mikey, being around Granddad, he probably thinks he has to say "lugenstein" before he can say anything else! Donald, did I spell that wrong?

Maury said...

Jack's (my nephew) is just now starting to say "Hi Jack" and "Hi Dad" and "Hi Mama." He's only 9 mo, so I guess he has issues, too. =)

Mad Housewife said...

As long as Mikey seems happy and smiles and laughs a lot, then what could be the problem? And my first two didn't say anything until they were nearly a year old, so don't be worried he's not saying things yet. Each child is different--They're not all robots that follow a developmental chart.

Taysom Family said...

Good luck on Friday.

Amy said...

Ryan is a year old and he only says a few words regularly. He knows a bunch, but he just says them when he wants to.

Stubborn kid...gets it from me.