Friday, September 21, 2007


I had kind of a "bad mommy" moment yesterday evening. I was trying to get some stuff cleaned up around the house and I accidentally on purpose threw away some of Jackson's school work. On purpose because I meant to do it, accidentally because I did not mean for him to see it in the trash can. When he saw it he said something like, "Hey, you should not have thrown my school work away! I worked really hard on that!" I was caught off guard and kind of laughed a little, which I should not have done. Anyway, I told him that it was an accident and I was meaning to throw away some other stuff and I accidentally grabbed that too. I don't really know if he believed me or not. But I dug some of it out of the trash can (it was on top so it wasn't too gross yet.)

He comes home with four or five papers everyday. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this stuff. I have a drawer already full of his work from pre-school and now kindergarten. I want to keep a few cute things, and distribute some stuff to the grandparents. I guess next time I decide to purge some his work, I'll need to put it in a separate bag and put that in the trash. Poor guy! They make him do all this junk at school so he can take it home and his mommy can throw it in the garbage. Oh well, he'll survive I guess.


Taysom Family said...

I've been busted like that as well . . . I started taping their "stuff" to their bedroom closet door. Ever so often I'll take their picture in front of the door full of "stuff" and tell them I'm going to clear it off so that we can put up the new stuff. I still find myself clearing it off when they're not home.

Mad Housewife said...

I've been keeping the macaroni art and paintings and readers, but the rest of it gets tossed. Don't feel bad about it. I mean, are we supposed to keep every single little thing they write on?

Lizanne said...

I keep it all for th school year, then at the end of the year we spread it all out on the floor and sit I take a picture of them sitting in the middle of it. Then they pick a couple of things to keep & I file it away. It works really well-with the older 2 I let them pick each week from their weekly stuff but they don't keep much anymore.

Lizanne said...

I really should proofread before I publish...What I meant was I have the child sit in the middle of the stuff...