Friday, May 30, 2008

Phillip's got the puke

Now Phillip has Mikey's puke virus. Debbie had it a few days ago. Jackson had it a week or so before Mikey so it's possible that he'll get it again. And so far (cross my fingers), I haven't gotten it yet. But I'm sure I'm next. How's that for positive thinking. Phillip had to go on to work this morning to finish up some end of school stuff. If Phillip has the same reaction to this virus that Debbie did, then he should get to school just in time to puke again. And he should be making frequent trips to the bathroom all day while he's there. I hope that's not how his day is going to go. What a wonderful way to start the summer vacation.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I was thinking today that we hadn't talked in a few days. I forgot you were busy cleaning puke.

Need some lysol?