Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My Son, the Donkey

Jackson's Preschool Christmas Program was this morning. He was a donkey. He stood up there with his chin to his chest, shrugging his shoulders (for some reason) the whole time. He didn't cry, which is good. But he also didn't sing or even make eye contact with anyone. But he was cute. He has been crying in all the practices they have had in the last couple of weeks so I didn't really know what to expect. I'm debating putting this picture on Christmas cards but I'm not sure anybody would know what he is supposed to be. It looks like he only has one ear.


mindy said...

very cute smile!

Chuchey Dradey said...

That is awesome!

Maury said...

Cute pic!

Maury said...

Oh yeah, and think how much better this pic would be if you were to get a new digital camera. I mean, I don't know if you're thinking about getting one or anything...but if you had something like an Olympus SP-500, you could preserve Jack's childhood with MUCH better resolution, color, etc.

Maybe you should talk to Phillip about this?

Jenny Hintze said...

Do you really think I'm an idiot? Like Phillip is the one who needs to be talked into buying frivolous electronic equipment. Ånd really, would another camera have made him look like he had two ears?

Maury said...

Actually, it could have. You never know. And of course I don't think you're an idiot — that's why I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest an upgrade!