Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dallas Part II

We ate some good food while we were gone. Pappasito's, Outback, Cracker Barrel, and of course Whataburger. At Cracker Barrel I discovered that I am officially "just plain dumb." I ended up with three tees each time I played their stupid triangle golf tee puzzle game thing. Phillip couldn't seem to decide if he was a "genius" or an "eg-no-ra-moose." I'm going to have to agree with both.

I forgot to mention in my earlier post that our friends gave us lots of encouraging cards, and that was really cool. I had a close-to-tearful moment because of all the cards. It's a little easier to believe you can do something as involved and complicated as adopting if other people believe you can do it too.

We learned at this workshop thing that we are more likely to get a boy from Korea than a girl. We didn't specify a gender and since most people request girls, there are more boys that need families. Either one would be very cool. We figure it will probably be January of 2008 or so before the kiddo gets here. Things could move faster or slower.

It's good to be home. And nobody did anything weird to our house, thank goodness.

1 comment:

Katherine said...


Just happened to randomly find your blog tonight, and read about some of your experiences of the past year.

I admire your faith in God and wish you the best as your family pursues adoption.

For the past several months, I've been following two different types of blogs: 1) one group of women who have also experienced pregnancy loss and blog as a way to help them work through it, and 2) another group of couples who are in the process of adopting girls from China. Such a contrast of experiences that life offers us.