Monday, March 27, 2006

Job Stuff

In the next few months or so I'll be trying to find a full-time job. I actually have never had a full-time job in my life...except the whole mom thing, which is all the time. I have never wanted to be a full-time working mother and I still don't want to. But we have adoption stuff that we'll have to start paying for soon and it would make all that much easier if I was working full time also. I will go back to part-time stuff after the baby gets here. I'm going to try to get on at the Christian School in our area as a teacher. It doesn't pay very well though.

So if any of you people who read this thing hear of anything I might be interested in, let me know. I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration/Management, but not much actual business/management experience. I'm mathematically retarded but I am familiar with several programs that aren't. I'm great at dealing with annoying people because I, myself, am somewhat annoying. And I will try almost anything once. So, in a nutshell, those are my qualifications.

As you can see, I may need some help with this.


Jim Looby said...

That would make one heck of a cover letter. Might win points for honest-to-goodness honesty.

Amy said...

Would you be open to the Mary Kay opportunity? Some women can make a lot of money at it. If you're curious, go to, click on the find a consultant button. Maury can give you my full name to put in. On my site, there is a place to look over the business opportunity. It is a life changing opportunity.

Maury said...

Can you build scaffolds? We're always looking for good scaffold hands.

mindy said...

brazosport college seems to have openings somewhat often...if you are interested in any administrative type jobs - they pay fairly well.

Jenny Hintze said...

I can't really see myself doing the Mary Kay thing. But thanks for the idea.

Scaffolding? I said I'll try almost anything once. But they probably require that you have a penis.

And I've tried and will try again to get on at BC. I've applied for positions in the past that I was more than qualified for and never heard anything from them.

Keep thinking....

mindy said...

That's interesting because the same thing has happened to me. Full qualified - nothing - not even an interview. I think they work from the inside. It's the mob, I'm sure.

Amy said...

Geez, you people are early risers....

Jenny Hintze said...

Those times are not right. I am not an early riser

Maury said...

Jenny's the one that said TEH PEE WURD!!11!1

Maybe you should go to work for some place like KFC and manage that, then you can get us all free fried chicken. That would be SWEET.

I mean, we all like fried chicken, don't we?

Jenny Hintze said...

The chicken thing is certainly an idea. But I'd probably have to work my way up to middle management.

And sorry about the "p" word everyone. This blog of mine is not a place for 100% appropriate/serious material. If it were, it would not exist.

Maury said...

Well, you know: none of us grown-ups/adults have ever heard of that word.

If the chicken thing doesn't work out, you could try taking over Lowe's -- I'm sure we could all benefit from discounted lumber.

On a more serious note, you could turn eBay into a business. One can easily pull in an extra $400 to $1200 per week. Then, you'd neve rhave to leave the house!

debbie said...

Jenny would never go to work in a chicken place. She has a hard time touching raw chicken.

Maury said...

RE: childish behavior: just wait 'til Donnie shows up.

And yeah, maybe the chicken thing isn't such a good idea. Donna's looking for an apprentice/helper, but I think the person needs to be able to handle some photo manipulation (color correcting, etc.). I don't know how much experience she's wanting or how much she's wanting to train someone, but that's a possibility.

Maury said...

And just For The Record™, my comment about grown-ups/adults was a response to Jenny's post where she apologized for saying it, not yours, Andrea.

/Off to see how fresh his bread is

Amy said...

I'm trying to figure out what the big deal was. Did I miss something?

Chuchey Dradey said...

Seriously, Jenny (even though I would like to live up to Maury's expectations and insert some over the line penis comment here) look into an alternative certification program for teaching public school. Someone with your degree could surely qualify to teach high school business, spec. ed., or EC-4 at the least. When I was looking for a new direction, which I may have found recently (looking into school counselor program and will blog later about it I am sure), teaching school helped me learn to be a grown up, have positive relationships with kids that need it, make a descent living, and enjoy 15 weeks of vacation each year. Think about it for when Jackson get into school... Summers off with him and Phillip. Sure it is tough some days and I want to pull my hair out. But, other days I know I am supposed to be there. Seriously think about it. I never thought I would be a teacher until I was at a crossroads in my life and while I could teach at a private school with my wonderfully marketable ministry degrees, I can not yet afford to do that.... Think about it. It can at least get you started in a good direction for a few years. I could go on and on.

Jenny Hintze said...

I really thought about the alternative certification thing. But you have to secure a position within two years or you lose the money and time you put into it. With the ACP thing if I didn't get a job with a school district this coming fall, I wouldn't get one at all because the baby will (hopefully) be coming in uder two years from now. And that's just too much of a gamble for me. I would also have to retake the TASP and who knows if I would even pass it again. I definitely plan on doing that once our kids are all school age.