Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Worst Mother on the Planet

Ok, maybe not the worst mother on the planet but certainly not the best. When I dropped Jackson off at preschool this morning the director said, "We missed you last night." I said, "What was last night?"

I missed my child's Open House! I totally forgot about it. They only sent about three notes home about it in the last month. I kept meaning to write it in my planner and since that didn't happen, we just didn't go. I feel pretty bad about it. But Jackson is totally oblivious to the whole thing... I think. He may come up to me a month from now and ask why we didn't go to Open House.

I'm sure I'll do many other things in his lifetime that will make me feel a little like a failure. I guess this is pretty minor in comparisson to the other things I will surely do to cause him to go on Dr. Phil someday. Oh well, atleast I don't have any regrets about what we were doing instead of Open House. We were laying on the couch together under a blanket watching Veggie Tales and having a tickle fight.

He will survive my inadequacies. He knows he is loved.

1 comment:

Jim Looby said...

Veggie Tales is WAY better than an open house.