Thursday, June 29, 2006

Baby Names

We're trying to think of some baby girl names. Really, the truth is that I'm trying to think of some baby girl names. Phillip and Jackson are no help at all. Here are a couple of Phillip's suggestions:

-Shaak-Ti (from The Clone Wars)

And here are two that Jackson has suggested:
-Rock-Pa or Rock-Puff, I'm not sure which (I think his Granddad helped him with that one.)

Many more ridiculous names have been discussed but I can't seem to think of them right now. I'm thinking about maybe Claire or Olivia. I guess we'll have to see what name she comes with and see if it's something we can live with or not.


Maury said...

I like the ring of "Nomenclature." You could call her "Clatty" or "Clatus."

"R2" would be a sweet name, too. She would really enjoy signing her name.

Or, you could just name her Peterparker and be done with it.

Maury said...

Ooo -- and "Sock" would be a cool name, too.

Mad Housewife said...

Symphony. That's nice! But if your son is like mine, he'll just call her "Baby Sister". Hee hee!

beth hintze said...

I am liking the name Laurel at the moment. I'm working with a girl this summer who's name is Trinity and that's rather unusual. But she's 20 years old and thus, had that name LONG before the Matrix ever existed! Oh, Aunt Betty's name (Granddaddy's sister) was really Elsbeth and I LOVE that name--and it's really unusual! Sorry, I get a little excited about baby names--always have! :) I'm excited to hear what y'all come up with!!