Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Stuff and Junk

I've had some things on my mind the last few days to write about but I just haven't taken the time to do it. We've had a lot going on.

The insurance co. declared our car totalled. So for the last couple of days Phillip and I have been looking at used cars on-line. We've narrowed it down to a couple that we're going to go look at tomorrow morning. We found what looks like a great deal on a '98 Ford Explorer. I know they don't get very good gas mileage, but we plan on just driving it around town. After Phillip's job situation is more secure, we plan on get something a little newer that gets better gas mileage.

We replaced the vanity, sink, faucet, mirror, and light fixture in our (only) bathroom. I say we because I picked the stuff out and watched as they actually put it in. We're hoping the sink doesn't leak tomorrow when we try it. It looks so much better than the junk we had in there. The wallpaper is still awful but we plan on doing something about that in the next couple of months.

Our dryer stopped working all of a sudden. It's fairly new so I have no idea what's going on there. We were already behind on laundry as it is.

Jackson has not been getting as much one on one attention lately with all this other stuff going on and it's starting to show in his behavior. Phillip's parents are out of town and they give him lots of undivided attention. And my mom used to see him about 10 hours a week and she hasn't seen him as much lately either. So, he's kind of stuck with us and we haven't been as attentive as we should be lately. I need to really make an effort to hang out with him more. Someone asked us recently if we would consider moving to Houston if Phillip got a job there. The answer: NO WAY! Jackson needs his grandparents. I'm not just writing this to kiss up to anyone. It is the truth. Phillip's parents and my mom are such a vital part of his life. It would take something completely outlandish for us to move.


Lizanne said...

Ahh, the realiteis of life, home ownership & parenting....DOn't beat yourself up too much. Black & blue are not your colors. :-)

Where's the pics of the new bathroom?

Mad Housewife said...

I know exactly what you're talking about with the whole grandparents thing. We left my husband's parents up in Oklahoma when we moved down here to Lake Jackson last September. The thought of the grandparents not being in my children's lives really hurt. But, in our case, it was for the best. See, at that time my husband was traveling and hardly ever got to see our kids (about once every 3 or so months for about 2-3 days at a time). This move was vital to our children's relationship with their father because his new job down here has him working only from 7am-3:30pm during the week. Since we have all evening and late afternoon and the weekends (only occasionally called out to DOW for an inspection maybe once a month or so for an hour or two on a weekend or in the evening), we are officially a family--FINALLY!! It's all we ever wanted, so that's why we sucked it up and left the grandparents. At least your husband doesn't travel like 300 days out of the year. Houston really isn't all that far, but Lake Jackson isn't a bad town either. So far we really like it here. Hope all goes well with your renovations.

debbie said...

Jackson's grandparents really need him close by as well. He is a very vital part of our lives. Granddad says Jackson needs his help on vocabulary and stuff. We just love the fact that he is close by (and his parents too, of course). We know people who get to see their grandkids on a limited basis. How awful for them! Thanks for being so willing to let him spend time with us. We appreciate it.