Friday, June 09, 2006

Nasal Pot

A friend of mine responded to my previous post saying that I needed to get a nasal pot to clean out my sinuses. Well, I decided to see what in the world a nasal pot looked like and this is what I got. Visit this website to get your own. Thanks for the suggestion, Lizanne, but I think I'll pass.

Just a thought: How in the world did they get this poor girl to pose for this picture. You couldn't pay me enough.


Maury said...

I'd have done it for about $17.

Jim Looby said...

"Ayr" brand makes one for about $10. It sucks, but it does help a lot. You just don't want to do it too hard. The water will come out of your eyes.

Lizanne said...

Nasal pot with saline solution- $14.95 Ahhh- breathing with both nostrils, priceless! I don't care what you say- I'll take being able to breath without a trip to the Dr. or drugs anyday.

I haven't had it come out my eyes but it does choke me up if I don't hold it right.