Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Nursery Stuff

I know that I haven't written in a while. There is really absolutely nothing going on to write about. I have no deep spiritual truths to share (not that I have many of those anyway). Jackson hasn't been doing anything terribly noteworthy except getting into trouble on a daily basis. Nothing catastrophic or amazing has happened in our lives at all that I know of.

I did order nursery bedding a couple of weeks ago though. We have gotten the room cleaned out that will be the nursery. So either today or tomorrow I'm going to begin to paint over the crazy paint job that is currently in that room. Here's a picture of the nursery stuff I ordered.

We're thinking of requesting a girl. Initially we weren't going to request a gender because you can't request a gender if you have a biological child. But almost nothing about this is left to chance anyway. We have to request an age and race, so we might as well request a gender too. We haven't decided yet exactly what we're going to do.....still time to think it over. But if we do get a girl, I'll be putting some pink stuff here and there like a pink crib skirt, pink valance, etc. Anyway, that's kind of where my brain is at lately. We've gone through a couple more classes since the orientation. We'll be going through about 7 classes during the first couple weeks of July. Fun stuff, let me tell you. Anyway, sorry that this blog has been almost as uniteresting as some of the other blogs I visit. Don't give up on it. Someday something amazing might happen and you don't want to miss it.


Jim Looby said...

Actually, it's been interesting to read about the process you're going through (and my old pal Snoopdon...) with fostering and adoption. I've given a lot of thought to this as well. There is just such a need for caring families.

I suppose I understand why it's so, but the process seems too complicated. It sort of hacks me off that any moron can procreate but we give folks trying to open their homes the Nth degree. Somehow that seems a little off...

Jenny Hintze said...

Nah, really any idiot can be a foster parent too. Believe me!!!

Mad Housewife said...

The nusery stuff is beautiful. A child would be so lucky to have a room in your home. :)

Jenny Hintze said...

Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes I wonder if we can give our kids all the love, grace, compassion, attention, hugs...etc. that they deserve. Being a parent is so hard. And we only have one and it's still hard.