Sunday, July 06, 2008

Kids, Self Control, and Crazy Dancing

Today was "7th Inning Stretch" at Church. What that means is that they let (make) kids ages four and up go to "big church" instead of their regular kid classes. That also means that in some cases the parents of those kids would have just been better off staying home. The message today was about self control, which is a great topic for children to hear. Anyway, I got there a couple of minutes after it started so Jackson was in there briefly without any kind of adult supervision because Phillip was playing on stage. Jackson was sitting on the very first row pretty much right in front of Phillip with a couple of other little boys his age. So I parked behind Jackson. A few pretty funny things happened during that 45 minute window.

First of all our newest pastor did some pretty amazing dancing up on stage. It's like the other staff members were like, "Hey, lets make the new guy get up there and shake it like there's no tomorrow." He almost ran out of breath. I was hoping he would have to sit down for a minute but he stuck it out. I was also hoping he would have to do the bend over and put your hands on your knees thing, but I don't think he did that either.

Secondly, our children's minister got up there and did some almost obscene booty shaking. I had no idea she could move like that. Truly amazing.

Thankfully these two staff members didn't dance together. That would have been like some kind of awkward overload.

Okay, I'm getting the events out of order because before the second bit of booty shaking was passed us, the longest like 15 seconds of my life took place. In the middle of the music stuff, Jackson just turned around and looked at me and held up his first finger as if to say, "Just a minute." And he got out of his seat and walked right up on stage and took his Nintendo DS from the floor in front of Phillip. As he was doing this Phillip and I both just stood paralyzed completely shocked and horrified. Then he came back to his seat and sat down. After I thumped him on the head, I bent down and whispered something in his ear like this, "Are you crazy!? You can't just go up on stage in the middle of church! Have you lost your ever-loving-mind???" Once we got home I asked Jack why he thought that was a good idea. And he said something like, "I was saying yes, no, yes, no, yes, no in my head and it landed on yes." It's like he was doing the he loves me, he loves me not thing. Or like Phillip said, it's like he spun a wheel in his head and it landed on "Go for it!!!"

Anyway, it's pretty funny that today was about self control and Jackson exhibited none. I guess if we're going to let kids be in "big church" we're going to have to expect the unexpected. I still think his little cameo was less shocking than the other shenanigans that took place today.


Andrea said...

Too funny! I hate I missed it. That would have been worth being there for.

Unknown said...

Jackson is comfortable and feels at home in church, obviously. And all he had on his mind was getting that game back.