Friday, October 10, 2008

For You

I have to be honest, most of the school work that Jackson brings home ends up filed away in the trash can. I know that probably makes me a horrible mother and I'm okay with that. He brings home 5-10 papers every school day and I just don't know what else to do with them. But occasionally he makes something worth saving.

Look how lovely. In the first picture the man is saying "for you" and handing the other man something. It better not be a honeycrisp apple he's handing him. We don't share those with our friends. I'll have to ask Jackson about that. In the second picture the man is punching the other guy's lights out. I suppose those are tears. I'm really glad its tears and not blood.

The message here is "Give to others instead of punching them in the face." If only things were that simple.


Andrea said...

Maybe it's a bible?

I have always started a box at the beginning of the year and just put everything in it unless I knew it was trash. That way I didn't have think so hard every day. Then at the end of the year the kids go through it and I give them an envelope or ziploc labeled for that year and they can only keep what they thought was special and would fit in the ziploc. This only works in elementary because when they are older they will throw everything away and I'm left with no memories so I actually have to watch out for things to keep with the older two. Jakeb has thrown away some of his best artwork before.

Another idea that I've used (after we've gone through everything) with Anna the last two years is to take pictures of her work, ribbons, school related stuff that captures a moment in her year and make a photo book with quotes and stuff. Then you can throw it all away and you only have one neat scrapbook to keep up with. It's a fun project and makes a neat teacher gift too.

Anyway, there are a couple of possible organizational ideas for ya'.

Phillip Hintze said...

That picture is awesome.