Thursday, October 23, 2008

Now I lay me down to sleep

I found out about the non-profit organization NILMDTS or Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep today. I didn't know this kind of thing existed. This is an organization that pairs professional photographers with families who have just lost a baby or know that they will be loosing a baby soon. The photographer captures the moments that the family has with their little one in the hospital or in their home. It is totally voluntary and the photographer gives the family a CD of their images for free. When I found out about this I knew I had to try to volunteer. I filled out a request this afternoon to be a part of this. I got an approval e-mail a little while ago. Needless to say this would be extremely difficult for anyone to do. And I will be no exception. But I can't not do this. I know first hand how precious those moments are. I'm really glad I found out about this.


Andrea said...

You have such a good heart. I'm humbled and grateful to be called your friend.

The Reich Blog said...

I am sooooo glad you are doing this. I have known about it for sometime and I just don't think I could do it without losing it. I know you will give every person that has to go through this a treasure for a lifetime. There really are no words to say how much I respect you for taking this on. You truly are a special person!

RanAshKenCoop said...

Hey! Have you ever read the blog "Bring the Rain?" I think the lady who writes it is the wife of a member of the group Selah. She lost a baby earlier this year named Audrey Caroline and her blog has chronicled her journey through all that. I thought of it when I heard about this group because they had pictures taken of Audrey in the hospital (I think she lived for a few hours). Anyway, just thought you might want to see it. Watch out though! When I first found out about it, I spent a few hours one Saturday morning reading it in tears.

Willson's Family Blog said...

What an incredible gift. I still remember sitting in your living room looking at the pictures and crying with you! I love you and God will use you in a mighty way...I can't even imagine...I cnouldn't read your post without crying! I love you!