Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Okay, I am officially weirded out!!

What should I be doing? I should be packing up our valuable, clothes, taping windows, packing bags, etc. What am I doing? I'm looking at pictures of ball jointed dolls, or b.j.d.s as they're called. I heard about bjds the other day on the radio. Kind of sounded weird so I decided to google it. They're some new doll craze that's sweeping the nation or something. B.J.D.s are just these incredible life like (odd looking) dolls. They also happen to be anatomically correct, which is just kind of gross. Here's a picture. I found lots of pictures of these doll naked and in very provocative positions. People are just sick and weird. So anyway, just in case you were wondering what B.J.D.s are, now you know. And if you are one of those fortunate people to have your own collection, just know that Jenny Hintze thinks you are a weirdo.


Unknown said...

Haha, yeah those dolls do creep me out. It reminds me of a friend that I met on Facebook. She has a collection of those dolls. Creepy! I was just on FB playing games on the One Minute Mogul app...not looking at the weird dolls!

Amy said...

They look like one of the Olsen twins.