Saturday, September 27, 2008

Put it in your head

Phillip told me about some "worship video" this morning that's pretty insane. I had to look it up and see for myself and it is truly something to behold. I think the guy kind of looks and sounds like Jack Black except for his ridiculous hair-do. Okay, and what's the deal with the drummer's forehead? Is it just me or does it look like he has a huge bandage on his head? And the way the lead "singer" says "air" is hilarious. Messesah??? What the heck does that mean? Some of the people are really working themselves in to a holy frenzy. And some look like they feel like they should....idiots. Give him glory!!! We love the Lordy?? Praise him with your socks!!! (He didn't actually say that but I wish he had) Wow, I'm flabbergasted. Go ahead and and watch/listen to the whole 9 minute love-train wreck. Come on, you know you want to. I want you to have this song in your head all day too.

I know there will be some of you who will say that it doesn't matter how we worship just as long as we worship. I know there will be those that will say we shouldn't judge the songs or ways that people praise God. I hear you, I really do. But this kind of thing makes Christians look like complete idiots. Of course I can't (shouldn't) speculate what Jesus thinks about this whole thing. But I'm thinking he might be saying, "Dude, put your socks back on. Your feet reek."

1 comment:

praynlady said...

Ok Jenny, just so you know, Kendra, Sarah and I have listened to this train'wreck for several minutes and he really seems to like the Aaiihra, and we have decided after multiple listenings, that he says bless us up several times in a row and then lift us up several times in a row but at first we thought he was saying "mess us up" Either way, I'm going to have nightmares now and i may have to go get a haircut like's Rokn!