Friday, October 10, 2008

Honeycrisp, The best apples on the planet

Honeycrisp apples are back in season. Maybe they have been for a little while but I just noticed. I noticed at H.E.B. last week after I had already checked out and was leaving the store. I considered, for a moment, grabbing them and getting back in line even though Mikey's head was spinning around. Instead I just grabbed a few and ran out of the store without paying. They're that good. I promise. They're worth risking jail time for. Actually, I got my first Honeycrisp apples this season yesterday at Kroger.

Debbie first told me about these apples a year or so ago. The way she was talking about them, it sounded like they were Eden's forbidden fruit or something. I was thinking, "Come on, they're just apples. How good can they possibly be?" Unbelievably good. That's how good.

If you would like to read about genetic fingerprinting and parentage of the Honeycrisp Apples, you can read that here.

And now I'm going to go have a nice breakfast of honeycrisp apple, strawberries, caramel rice cakes, and coffee. Yum.


Andrea said...

We've been eating on our bag of apples for the last week or so (that I paid for) and Anna said yesterday when I cut one up, "These are the best apples ever"! I agree.

Amy said...

I'm kinda addicted to Braeburn, but Honeycrisp is my #2 if the others are out.

Jenny Hintze said...


Pennie Stanley said...

I think Fuji would have to be first...sorry, Jenny, you may have to try paying for them and maybe they wouldn't taste as good. You know there's always something about "free" things that are better.