Thursday, May 04, 2006

Adoption App. Part II

We received our formal appication or Application Part II from Dillon International today. Just for those of you who may be curious how extensive the process is, here are just some of the things we have to send in with our completed application.

- 3-4 page autobiography written by both adoptive parents including significant life experiences
- Medical forms on each family member
- Photographs of our family, and pictures of the inside and outside of our home
- Copy of birth certificates/marriage licence
- Last year's 1040 Tax form
- Financial statement
- Copy of last three months bank statements
- Letter from employer stating length of employment, security of position, and salary

We will also have to think of 4 people (couples) that we've known for atleast two years who we trust enough to write reference letters for us. Hmmm...who have I not made too mad in the last two years....just kidding (sort of). We will also have to be fingerprinted within Brazoria County. I think initially they run a local maybe statewide background check and then further down the road they run a national background check. Good thing I've never been in the back of a Police car....except for that one time at the preschool when the L.J. police came to show the kiddos all their cop stuff. We also have to sign a form stating that we will not use physical discipline. Jackson doesn't get spanked very often, but he does sometimes. So, I guess we'll have to think of some other disciplinary tactics to use....sorry James Dobson.

Once this is complete and approved, we will be able to begin the Home Study process. Once we have an approved Home Study, we will be placed on a waiting list. The wait from that point for the referral is 8-10 months. There is usually a 3 month wait from the time of referral to the time those little feet land on U.S. soil.

This process will certainly not be easy. And it shouldn't be easy. I hope we're up for it.


tmosh said...

oh my! It's hard to believe that one part which is so easy for people to do ie. give up your baby to an orphanage/group home whatever - and the other part is so difficult when the latter so longs for it!I pray God would HUGELY bless you in all this and grant you the understanding + strength while going through it!

Jenny Hintze said...

Thanks for your encouragement, but...
I can imagine to make the decision not to raise your own child and live the rest of your life separated from that child is much more difficult than the few hoops we will have to jump through to adopt that child.

I believe that the majority of birth mothers desperately want to keep their babies, but can't for any number of reasons. That loss has to be almost unbearable. Nothing surrounding adoption is easy.

tmosh said...

very true, i catch where you are coming from. i guess maybe my thoughts were more on the whole abortion/morning afterpill/accessability that seems to abound in our culture these days. Not that anyone of those options are easy just that they seem to be more plentiful + promoted in this day and age
-oh the world we live in...