Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ministry Opportunity

Lately Phillip and I have been hoping that some opportunities would arise for us to lead worship at some other churches. We have done some of that here and there since we got married almost six years ago but it's been pretty sporadic.

We've been talking to a pastor of a church in Pearland lately and it looks like we might be going there to lead worship on a regular basis. It is a new church that is just getting started. Their plan is to be a multi-racial church. This could be really great experience for us to start easing our way into music ministry. We are going to be visiting and leading there the first two Sundays in June. If we feel like that is where we are meant to be, we will be leaving our current church and hanging out there on Sundays. We have not committed to this church yet. We are going to check things out before we commit. We will still remain connected to our current church. I will still be working in the church office for a while and we'll probably both be helping out with Saturday night services sometimes. In a way it will be hard to leave, but we've been feeling like our time there has been drawing to a close.

I'm excited about the possibilities. I'm excited to be singing every week.....and I'm scared to death to be singing every week. I'm looking forward to working on worship stuff with Phillip every week. And I'm also a little apprehensive to be working on worship stuff with Phillilp every week. We don't always see eye to eye on things, but I think this could be very enriching for our marriage. Knowing that we are probably going to have a multi-racial family, it is very appealing to be part of a multi-racial church.

So if you're part of the BPF family, you'll be seeing Phillip and me on stage this Sunday. And you possibly won't be seeing us up there again, atleast not regularly. I'll keep you posted of our final decision. Please pray for discernment.


Maury said...

And see how I have you singing most of the songs? It's like a potentially-going-away concert. =)

We're praying that you guys will know beyond doubt where you should be — and while it'll stink to not be able to hang with you guys and Jackson, I'm excited for you and hope all turns out great.

praynlady said...

Hey, I am happy for you and sad for us, but praying that God will clearly tell you what his plans are! I am sad to say that I won't be attending your "going-away" concert as I am still at home with the chicken pox! Oh boy!

Jenny Hintze said...

Well, I hope it didn't seem like a concert.

Thanks for the prayers and support. I think leaving will be very bitter-sweet.

Jim Looby said...

I've found that the best moves are often the hardest. I take some confirmation from that -- I take it to mean that I was where I was supposed to be, and that I take where I'm going seriously. At least, that's how I interpret "bittersweet" when I move. I have been known to make mistakes... from time to time.

Chuchey Dradey said...

If this church is what I think it is, the pastor of the church I am going to is helping start it and it is withing blocks of my house. Email me the details and I would like to come with my wife and say hello.

Jenny Hintze said...

The church is Shadow Creek Fellowship. The pastor's name is Randy West and the website is

Chuchey Dradey said...

Thats the one I thought it was.

Jenny Hintze said...

That would be cool. Come on by. I promise to be nice.

Chuchey Dradey said...

I promise not to talk about lemons.

Chuchey Dradey said...

BTW... it won't be this weekend, but the next.

Jim Looby said...

I think this meeting was mentioned in some end times texts...

Phillip Hintze said...

I wonder if there's any numerological significance to 06.11.06?

Chuchey Dradey said...

Well, as it turns out, that is my anniversary.... We will still try to be there... How did it go.