Wednesday, May 17, 2006


It seems that right now there are many things in our life that could change over the next couple of months. We are excited and a little scared.

Phillip is looking for a new job for next school year.

We are going to start pursuing foster/adopt processes very soon. New baby possibly by the end of the summer!!

And we are not sure what we are supposed to do about church stuff. We have both been wanting to get into worship leading stuff and it looks like an opportunity may be surfacing. We need to try to figure out where/when God wants us to do what.

Our life as we know it right now could be very different in just a few months. If only I had a crystal ball....


Maury said...

Actually, just get a "Magic 8-Ball" -- they're MUCH less expensive, and won't shatter to a million pieces when you throw it across the room.

Jim Looby said...

I've always wanted a "Magic 8-Bowling-Ball." That way I'd actually get some use out of it. With the exception that I never go bowling. I should do that sometime soon. It's been more than a decade.

Chuchey Dradey said...

Rock on! maybe when you come down for the girls only baby shower, we could all go bowling! Speaking of baby showers, the word verification was wzemovum.... ovum... hmm. Oh yeah, this is Jenny's blog... hey Jenny. I will keep praying. I know what you must be going through with the foster/adopt. Once you go through the classes, (if you are like I was) you will start to get a little excited. One thing you will find out is about discipline techniques, because spanking is a no no while they are in foster care.... not that a baby would be spanked... not that you spank, I don't really know that either, but that is an issue that will come up, so be open to what they have to say. It is some good useful information.

Jenny Hintze said...

Well, I certainly wouldn't spank a baby. But I would spank a four year old who is being a twerp. But, we try to avoid spanking if we can. There are many other things that Jack dislikes as much or more than spankings.

Hey, and I know that I totally don't really know you people, but I would come to a baby and all. Shameless self invite.

Maury said...

Jim, I think you and Donnie should just come down here so we can hang out and let all the females do their cackling and jack-jawing on their own.

Jenny Hintze said...

Maury = Mean Jerk

Maury said...

No way -- wouldn't you women rather do all that without a dude standing around?

Jenny Hintze said...

You mean the "cackling and jack-jawing?" Yeah, I guess I'd rather do that without any men standing around.

Amy said...

You're welcome. I'm going to be uncomfortable with everyone oohing and aahing, but if you wanna join in on that just have Maury email your address to Jim and we'll get you added to the list. The password to enter the door is not finalized yet.

And Jim is not getting out of the shower.

Amy said...

But Maury, wouldn't you love the look on my mom's face if you walked through the door?

Jim Looby said...

Maury and Donnie! That would be schweet! We need to all get together anyway, regardless of the shower. It's been too long. Bring Phillip too. He seems like a cool guy. Sarcastic, at least. That's sort of the basic requirement for the above named group

Maury said...

Someone pick a date.

Jim Looby said...

Prolly sometime during the weekend of June 24.

Maury said...

Works for me.

We need to go eat meat for several hours like we used to do at Risky's (those were the days).

Amy said...

Well if you're eating for hours, you HAVE to take the pregnant lady.