Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Scooby Doo the Narc

Jackson was watching a Pup Named Scooby Doo this morning on Cartoon Network. It's a really stupid show. Somehow it's even stupider (is that a word??) than the original Scooby Doo. It's like all the teens are little kids and Scooby is a puppy. Really dumb. Seriously.

Anyway, he was watching it and all of a sudden they pull some kind of background check on a "suspect" and say that he used to be a champion skateboarder until he got involved in drugs. Drugs. Who is their target audience here? I would think anyone who would have any interest in watching this show would be under the age of six. Anyway, they were talking about how drugs can really mess up your life and all that stuff. Which is true, but does my four year old need to hear about drugs yet? We're still working on "stranger danger" and private parts. At the end, they find out that this guy was pretending to be some kind of monster to cover up some kind of drug trafficing. I'm not kidding. I was just waiting for Jackson to say, "What is drugs?" But he didn't. He was probably too busy thinking about what a stupid show it was.

I guess on the next episode they'll be trying to nab a pimp posing as Count Dracula or something. I don't think we'll be watching that show anymore.

1 comment:

Maury said...

Yes, stupider is a word.