Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Good and busy

I'm taking a short break from photo editing to do a little blogging.  I've been pretty busy lately with shoots, editing, the house, the kids, planning the party on Sunday, etc....  It's good busy, but I'm beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed with it all.  

I've decided to take a couple of days in the next month or two just for me.  Some friends recommended this place called Cenacle Retreat in Houston.  It's just like this quiet little alcove in the middle of Houston where you can go to just be quiet, meditate, self-reflect, get alone with God, or whatever you might need to do there.  I have to have some down time every now and then or I get so tightly wound that anything can set me off.  And it's been quite a while since I've felt at peace for more than like ten minutes.  Just the thought of being able to go there for a couple of days and be still and think and read and write and just exist in peace seems like a dream.  I love my life.  I am blessed beyond all reason but there is very little peace to be had. So I'm looking forward to it already and I just have to make sure that I don't come up with a million excuses not to do it.  I am a better wife and mother if I can get away every now and then.  

I'm feeling fortunate lately to have the honor of photographing all of the people I've been photographing.  I've dreamed and prayed for years to have something in my life to do (other than being a mom and wife) that would bring me a feeling of fulfillment and significance.  And I am having a total blast doing this photography thing.  I absolutely love doing this.  I love connecting with these people.  I know I still have lots to learn but I am just so glad that I am learning it now at 30 rather than at 50 or 60 or whatever.  Some people live their whole lives and never find the thing that charges them up or gives them satisfaction.  I just feel extremely honored to be doing this.  My prayer is just to remain humble in it.  I have to remember that any talent or ability that I have is a gift from God.  I'm pretty sure that if I forget that, this privilege will quickly turn into a chore.  And that would be a very sad thing.

And now I need to get back to work.  Here are a couple of snapshots of Phillip reading with the boys.  

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