Saturday, April 26, 2008

Just stuff

As you can tell, I've been making some changes to this blog.  It has been pretty much the same thing since I started it in March of '05.  Who knows how long it will stay like it is now.  So far I like it.  I tried for a while to find a decent looking clock to add to my sidebar thing, but they all looked stupid.  I guess that's not necessary anyway.

I think everything is mostly ready for the party tomorrow.  I hope people show up.

Man, I just got stuck reading archived stuff from my blog from the beginning of my blog.  I've been doing that for the last 45 minutes or so.  What a lame thing to do!  I was funny back then.

Jackson had a tough evening yesterday.  From about 5:00-7:00 he found out about his toys in the attic, found out about the Wii being sent off for repairs, feel on the coffee table and got about a six inch long bruise on his thigh, and had to eat gumbo for dinner.  Because he wouldn't eat his food, he couldn't have candy or watch a movie.  He finally whined and complained so much that we told him to go to bed.  He fell asleep almost immediately.  

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