Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Baby for the weekend

Well, it looks like we might be getting our feet wet over the weekend. We got a call tonight asking if we would be willing to provide respite (relief) care for a one year old little girl for the weekend. I think we probably will. Jackson will be gone camping with the grandparents all weekend. So, it would be a good time to do it since he won't be here. Things have already been pretty confusing for him and he might not understand a baby coming just for a few days. So, anyway, those of you who go to our church, if you see us with another kiddo this weekend, she's not ours. She's just kind of a temp. It should be fun. We'll see.


Maury said...

So what all do you do with a 1 year old? Isn't that age still like a little bitty baby to where you pretty much hold it or let it lay on the floor/bed/whatever?

I have fond memories of rocking family members' babies -- little babies -- to sleep on my shoulder.

But then they grow up and I'm clueless. =(

Jenny Hintze said...

Well, one year olds usually are walking or almost walking. They put every single thing they can in their mouths. Other than that, I don't remember. But I think they eat some kind of foods. I'll have to find that out. It seems like little bitty babies are easier to handle than one year old ones.

Chuchey Dradey said...

Cool! That is sweet. I hope when we get one, it comes with feeding instructions.