Monday, August 14, 2006

Lazy Week

I really don't have a whole lot to do this week. I don't have much going on at work. And that's good because I can't really be there anyway. Phillip is working and Jackson hasn't started pre-school yet so I need to be here to take care of him. I guess Jack and I will just be hanging out for the next two weeks.

Things went pretty good this weekend with the 14 months old kiddo. She's a good baby. Jack thought she was pretty funny but he didn't like her putting his toys in her mouth. Can't say I blame him. He got pretty insulted when I fixed her milk before his on Sunday morning. We'll see how he does when there's another kid in the house on a regular basis.

So unless we get a placement call this week or next, I'm just going to relax and enjoy not having much to do. Now that I saw a glimpse of how hard it will be to have two little kids, I'm not waiting by the phone for it to ring. We are just going to enjoy being the three of us until things change.

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