Saturday, August 05, 2006

What's the deal with w00t?

I gotta know. What does w00t mean? I mean, I know that it means like "wow" or "cool" or something like that. But does it stand for something? I thought it was just some strange Maury thing so I just blew it off, but I've seen other people write it too so now I'm curious. Phillip said that it's just some nerdy internet thing. But to the people who often use the "word" w00t, do you say "woot" outloud in your "virtual" life? Is "woot" part of your regular daily vocabulary? I think I would like to be around someone that said that instead of "wow" or "cool." I think that person would be very easy to make fun of without feeling guilty.


Maury said...

It's netspeak, and it's just a replacement word for "wow" or "cool."

BUT, since I know EVERYTHING, the true origin of the word comes from those really old online games where characters would exclaim "Wow, loot!" when they found treasure. It was then shortened to "woot." To make it cooler, people type it out w00t.

w00t! U got pwn3d by teh intarweb meme!11!!1ELEVEN

Chuchey Dradey said...

I personally like the idea of combining wow or cool rather than replacing it with woot. Next time I get excited or see something neat, I will simply write cOw! or WooL! C'mon and help me out.... This could be a new Phenomenon!

cOw! look at that cow! It has such big spots.

Cool Huh!... NO.... WooL, Huh!