Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I had a really bad dream last night, or I guess it was really this morning. Anyway, I was back in highschool, but I was the age/weight/life experience that I am now if that makes any sense. In the dream I was informed that I was needed to fill in for someone in a basketball game.

I don't play basketball.

So I put on these little shorts with my pasty white legs. I never wear shorts in public.....EVER. I went into the game...sort of. But basically they just wanted me to be in the court so our team would have enough "players" or they would have to forfeit. My shoes kept coming untied, but then when I would go to re-tie them, they were in knots. (Dreams don't usually make much sense.) So all I did the whole game was untie the knots in my shoes and tie them correctly so I could look down a minute later and they were in knots again.

This kind of thing really happened to me when I was a freshman in highschool. I attempted to play basketball my freshman year of highschool. But I was TERRIBLE. I never missed practice and I just never got any better. I never even learned how to do a lay-up. I never could get the opposite arm/leg thing going. They only put me in one game the whole season. They put me in because a girl broke her ankle and I was the only extra one there. It was so painful. We all had to play the rest of the game. We lost by like 50 points or something. I don't think I got a single basket, rebound, block....utterly pitiful. I was so ashamed and embarrassed.

Anyway, it was quite a relief to wake up this morning and realize that I wasn't really in very short shorts bending over messing with my shoes in front of hundreds of people. What a nightmare!

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