Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Jackson goes to Colorado

Tomorrow afternoon Jackson will be leaving with Phillip's parents for two weeks. They will be going to New Mexico and Colorado and I guess some other stops along the way. This will be the longest we've been away from him. They've taken him camping for 4 or 5 days or so but never two weeks. Phillip told Jackson he was going to be gone for 14 days! But Jackson quickly corrected him and said that it would be 15. I'm sure I'll miss him but it will probably take me a few days. Is that mean? They'll be going to Fun Valley in Colorado. Here's a picture.

I think Fun Valley is a pretty lame name. Like even if it's fun, which I'm sure it is, that's still not terribly creative. I think using "fun" in the name is a little suspicious, personally. My first inclination is to think, "yeah right, if you have to use fun in the title, it's probably not." If I saw a business for a mechanic and it was called something like Honest Joe's Car Shop I would certainly not go there. Anyway, aside from the uninteresting name, Jack will probably enjoy it. I think I might refer to it as Nun Valley from now on just to him just to make him mad. He really hates it when you do stuff like that. Now if it was called Nun Valley, that could be fun. Or really boring. I'm not sure which. I bet Nuns can get pretty crazy when you get a few drinks in them.

I'm sure I'll be posting again at some point about how I miss my sweet baby. About how I go and sit in his room and cry. But I'm not there yet. I will miss him. But mostly I just hope he has a blast. He should certainly make the folks annual summer camping trip more entertaining. And loud.

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