Sunday, June 08, 2008

A kind of weird dream I had

I dream a lot when I sleep. I guess most people probably do, but I remember mine quite often. Usually they make no sense whatsoever. Or I remember just enough bits and pieces to be concerned that I might be nuts. The other night I had a dream that was very vivid and actually had some semblance of a story line. And since we have watched Veggie Tales Little Joe several times in the last few days, I'm going to propose that my dream may have some deeper meaning. So here goes. Here's my dream, at least what I remember of it.

I was at some kind of Asian convent kind of place. (Probably because we had eaten at a not very good Chinese buffet the night before.) Anyway, I had finished eating by myself and I decided I needed to go take a shower. So I went into this bathroom sort of place to take a shower. After I was already in there I realized that the shower was already running and the room was getting all steamy. I noticed there was a really fluffy towel folded neatly beside the tub. And there were nice bottles of shampoo and soaps and all that kind of stuff. So it occurred to me that I had come in and sort of "stolen" somebody else's shower. Like maybe they had gotten everything ready but then had to leave and would be right back or something. (You know how dreams don't always make perfect sense.) But I was already in there so I just quickly rinsed off but didn't use any of the soap or anything because it didn't belong to me. And I didn't use the nice folded towel because it was for somebody else. And I guess my clothes disappeared or something because it didn't occur to me to put those back on. So I wrapped myself in a discarded towel that was dirty so I wouldn't be indecent as I left the bathroom. I did all of this as quickly as I could so I would be out of the way before the person who the shower was intended for came back. In the dream I was super nervous like I was going to get in trouble or something. Weird.

Anyway, as I was leaving the bathroom in my stinky towel, a little Asian man came up to me and looked very confused and concerned. He asked why I was using a dirty towel. I told him that I didn't want to take the nice towel because it belonged to someone else. And he said, "That towel was for you. All of that was for you. I got your shower going and I put out the soaps so you could relax and have a nice shower." He seemed disappointed and hurt that I didn't use any of it. And I told him that I didn't know it was for me. And he said something like, "Who else would it have been for if not for you?" And I felt so sad that I had hurt his feelings. And I felt sad that I had missed something nice.

And that's pretty much all I remember of the dream.

So, here goes with the obvious deeper meaning.

What am I missing that God has laid out for me? What am I leaving untouched or undone because it's not for me. It's for somebody else. Whose toes am I trying to avoid stepping on? What good gifts am I not accepting from God? Am I hurting his feelings? Is God a little Asian man? All of these questions have been on my mind since this dream.

*Edit to original post* How many times can I use the word "nice" in one post? I guess I need to work on growing my vocabulary. Just so you don't have to point it out and make fun of me. I noticed it myself and I'm making fun of myself so you don't have to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jenny, your dream reminded me of a magazine article I read recently. The writer had given her aging mother a beautiful,expensive nightgown, since the ones she wore were old and faded. A few months later, her mom died, and she realized the new nightgown was in her dresser-never worn. Knowing her mother as she did, she knew that she never felt really deserving of the best. God sees us as more special than we see ourselves sometimes.
(And I thought my dream of getting hit by a train and instantly being in Heaven was odd!)