Well, today is the day after Christmas. I thought I would take a few minutes and post a few pictures and stories.
On Christmas Eve day Mikey and I spent five hours in Urgent Care because Mikey was pretty sick. The antibiotic he was on for a week and a half really didn't help a whole lot. He has bronchitis and both ears are still infected and he's beginning to get gunk in his lungs. The doc put him on a stronger antibiotic and a steroid to help with the tightness in his chest. He slept until 10:00 Christmas morning so we did the Christmas morning thing without him. He began to feel better yesterday as the day went on. This morning he seemed to be doing better but then he threw up all in his high chair. So I don't know what
that was about. We were exposed to everything under the sun at the Urgent Care place so there's no telling what we'll come down with.
I woke up feeling like I have the beginnings of some kind of bug. My throat was pretty sore when I woke up but it feels better now. If it was strep throat it would be getting worse with every passing moment so hopefully I dodged that bullet. I'm supposed to sing with the church band this weekend and I really don't want to miss out on that.
We had a good day yesterday in spite of having a sick child. The boys got loads and loads of presents that we have no place to put. Jackson was so excited about every present he got. Lots of "YESSS!" stuff going on with him Christmas day. Jackson wore his Christmas p.j.s all day until we made him take them off to go to bed again. But atleast he wore clothes. If you know Jackson at all, you will know that his underwear is his usual attire. Jackson got a My Little Pony from his mean uncle and his not-so-mean wife. The look on his face was priceless. I hope someone gives me a picture of that. I want Jack to pass the pony along to my brother's boys but Jackson does not see the humor in giving girly toys to little boys. He will see the humor in it someday.
Phillip, Jackson, and Josh are on the way to The Apple Store at First Colony to pick Phillip up his long awaited lap top. Now I suppose he can start obsessing about something else. Maybe that will keep him happy for a little while anyway.
We're getting a kitty today. I picked her out on Thursday of last week at the SPCA. She's at the vet today getting her (internal) girl parts removed. We had to get that done before we could bring her home. Jackson has no idea so he'll probably be pretty surprised. Maybe this cat will stick around for a while. I really hope she's not obnoxious. The plan is for her to be an inside/outside cat. If she doesn't participate in that arrangement, then she'll be strictly outside. I'm not dealing with the littler box thing once her girl part surgery scar is healed up.
We're supposed to be getting together with my mom, my brother, and his wife and boys Friday evening. Jackson hasn't seen his cousins in a while and he's very excited to see them again. I hope that Mikey and I will be well enough to go.
I'll post some pictures of the little cat after she gets to her new home. Merry Christmas!

Notice the under bite. He gets that from his daddy.

This is Phillip holding sick Mikey very early Christmas morning. He went back to sleep after that and slept through the opening of presents.

attacking Uncle Josh - he probably deserved it

Jackson likes Chapstick so Santa put some in his stocking.

This is one of the presents Jackson found before Christmas. He had to hunt for them on Christmas morning.

Jackson rode his scooter (sort of) outside in his pajamas. I rode it too. It's really fun.